
As on 31.05.2022, information about the actual vacancies and the vacancies that may be transferred by Group C category wise (Board Officer, Revenue Assistant)

As on 31.05.2022, information about the actual vacancies and the vacancies that may be transferred by Group C category wise (Board Officer, Revenue Assistant)
Title Description Start Date End Date File
As on 31.05.2022, information about the actual vacancies and the vacancies that may be transferred by Group C category wise (Board Officer, Revenue Assistant)

As on 31.05.2022, information about the actual vacancies and the vacancies that may be transferred by Group C category wise (Board Officer, Revenue Assistant).

22/05/2022 30/06/2022 View (285 KB) महसूल सहायक सुधारीत (1 MB) रिक्त पदे म.सहा. (361 KB) रिक्त पदे मं.अ. (277 KB)