
Group Forming Incentive And Empowerment Of Farmers Group


Deatils Description
Required Documents 1)Company’s Registration Certificate
2)Shetakari samuh yadi v kshetracha nakasha
3)Group/Cluster/farmer/Company tharaw
4)Agreement of group/cluster/farmer/company
5)Bank Passbook
6) Implementation Of Primary report from group cluste
Relevant government references, government decisions, other orders, circulars etc. (Which act / rule is to be completed) Agriculture ,Animal Husbabdry ,Dairy Development,Fisheries Department Government ResolutionNo.krumika-2018/pr.kr.-32/part-1/Adt.5/10/2018
Matters to be investigated in the decision making process “1)Is group register
2)bank account
3)Aadhar card linked with bank account of all members
4)Is resolution passed in meeting with group discussion
5)Minimum20 farmers and 100 acer area
6)Continue area of group
7)Proposed items are in current scheme nd is with cost norms
8)Is group ready to share capital without subsidy
9)details of bank laon and self capital in project report
10)Is component proposed in project report are with environment friendly ,facility and market availability
11)Is tha land to be taken for community is on minimum of 20 years ledge.
12)Is agreement given by farmer group /producer company
13)Is registered MOU done for use of facilities
14)Appointment Of Technical Expert
15)Management of sell of produce
16)Is MOU done for retailer marketing in value addition chain
17)Is the subsidy will available from other department shown in scheme.”

Is the service available online No
If yes, the link for the application No
Application fees No
Method of payment No
Decision making officers District Level Committee.

Decision making time current financial year

Online grievance link https://grievances.maharashtra.gov.in/
Office Address Office Of District Superintendig Agriculture Officer S.R.Tower ,Karal Square ,Wardha

Phone number ०७१५२-२३२४४९
email dagriwar@gmail.com